About Japanese style Matchmaking

For a long time in Japan, there is a unique matchmaking custom called an “Omiai”. Omiai is a custom where there is a person called a “仲介なこうと” who is a mediator. Who listens to the specific requests that the client desires and helps find the perfect mate.
If you are seriously thinking about giving Japanese style matchmaking a try, here’s the all the information to get you started on the pathway to Omiai.

Please note

  • When you hope to try Omiai, there will be a passport check and an interview.
    From the interview, we will evaluate if you are qualified for this type of matchmaking.
  • Are you serious about finding a marriage partner who is Japanese?
  • Has a steady occupation. (only men)
  • Has a high level in Japanese which can speak their own thoughts and understand what others
    want to say.
  • Can pay the membership fee and also pay the schedule adjustment fee.
  • Can go by the rules and has manners.

Finally, the matchmaking we do is not for people who only are interested in the physical side of romance.
This is a service for people who are seriously interested in finding their lifetime partner.

If you agree with our statement, we require this information.